
Transfer funds off of your platform to the external checking or savings accounts of your customers.



Set Up Enterprise Account In Sandbox


The payouts use case lets customers move money from your platform into an external checking or savings account. The customer's external account will be the funding destination.

Payouts overview diagram

Key Steps

1. Authenticate to Deliver

Use the authenticate and refresh endpoints.

2. Create a customer and associated external account, which will be the funding destination

Use the POST /persons or POST /businesses endpoint to create the customer and the POST /external/accounts endpoint to create the external account.

  • The external account can be created while verification takes place
  • If you are using your own account verification provider (BYO), the external account will be automatically verified

3. Transfer funds to the destination

Use the POST /transfers endpoint to create the transfer.

  • All Persons or Businesses and External Accounts must be in a verified state before the transfer can be created
  • Do not pass the source object to the Transfers API — by passing only the destination, Deliver understands that the transfer is a payout and will pull funds from the FBO balance
