
Initiate payments to Visa and Mastercard debit cards.


Accessing Cards

If you're interested in accessing card rails, please reach out to [email protected].

Creating a card

To create a card, use POST All other cards endpoints (besides the POST) will continue to use This allows Orum to ensure your card information is handled securely.

In order to create a card, the person or business linked to a card must have an associated phone number. Up to three persons/businesses can be associated with the same phone number. If a person/business is associated with a card, the phone number can be changed, but not removed. Additionally, a person/business can have up to three linked cards.

Transferring funds to a card

Funds can be transferred to a debit card by sending an “asap” payment to a card in the destination object.

Unlike other bank transfers for which Orum orchestrates fallback routing, if you send funds to a card, Orum will not reroute the transfer to another rail if an error occurs.

Additionally, the following limits are in place for each card:

  • 1 Day: $10,000 / 5 transactions
  • 7 Days: $20,000 / 10 transactions
  • 30 Days: $50,000 / 30 transactions

The following limits are in place for a given person, business or enterprise, across all of their associated cards:

  • 1 Day: $10,000 / 5 transactions
  • 7 Day: $20,000 / 10 transactions
  • 30 Day: $50,000 / 30 transactions

Card Statuses

In Deliver, a card can have one of the following statuses, indicated by the status field.

  • Created: A card was created. The card cannot send or receive funds.
  • Verified: A card passed verification. The card can send or receive funds.
  • Rejected: A card did not pass verification. The card cannot send or receive funds.
  • Closed: A card has been soft deleted from Orum’s platform. The closed card cannot send or receive funds.

Example Webhook Payload

    "event_id": "4a5b50b4-8083-4f38-ac3d-61394fbd1432",
    "event_type": "card_verified",
    "created_at": "2025-01-17T22:19:57.980Z",
    "event_data": {
        "card": {
            "id": "d2ddb1c4-67db-4765-88f7-607fc7599559",
            "account_reference_id": "bdbbc757-95c8-4358-a795-be127222adc0",
            "account_holder_name": {
                "first": "John",
                "last": "Doe"
            "address": {
                "id": "be0509fc-0e83-4b3f-ae98-19f459c6519d",
                "type": "billing",
                "address1": "123 Fake Street",
                "address2": "Apt B",
                "city": "New York",
                "state": "NY",
                "country": "US",
                "zip5": "07008",
                "created_at": "2024-12-04T22:51:28.592762Z",
                "updated_at": "2025-01-17T22:19:55.173156Z"
            "customer_reference_id": "911d55ae-a7b8-492f-9f27-a016ac5dcb71",
            "customer_resource_type": "person",
            "expiration_month": 12,
            "expiration_year": 2025,
            "last_four_digits": "XXXXXXXXXXX0005",
            "status": "verified",
            "created_at": "2024-12-04T22:51:28.592762Z",
            "updated_at": "2025-01-17T22:19:55.173156Z"

Card Reason Codes

invalid_account_holder_nameThe card holder name does not match the name on file at the card issuer
invalid_addressThe billing address or zip does not match the billing address or zip on file at the card issuer
unsupported_cardThe card is not enabled for push transactions