Account Status
We verify Account Status instantly – covering 100% of all bank accounts in the U.S. This first tier of verification – built on FedNow – fulfills Nacha requirements by determining whether an account is open, valid, and ready to send/receive payments. Unlike traditional microdeposits, we don’t rely on end users, eliminating all customer friction.
Verify determines within 15 seconds whether an account is open and valid. The API initiates verification utilizing FedNow penny deposits (Orum’s penny) and pulls back the information from the real-time ping. If FedNow is unavailable, the API automatically falls back to Same Day ACH. The maximum time to verify account status would be T+3 business days in that scenario. In addition, Verify confirms account control and we push that information back to you via webhook.
Verification Status
Status of account verification.
Verification Status | Description |
pending | Acknowledgment of the request being received |
valid | A bank account is open and valid |
closed | A bank account is closed |
invalid | The bank account information provided is invalid |
failed | The verification request has failed |
Verify Webhooks
Verify webhooks are configured using the same Deliver endpoints. For event_types the webhook configuration can either use subscribe_all
or specifically use verify_account_updated
for verify webhook events.
Sample Webhook Event
"event_id": "36fa9e91-b63d-4cc4-9055-eab98198a7ea",
"event_type": "verify_account_updated",
"created_at": "2023-06-01T15:00:09.374Z",
"event_data": {
"account": {
"id": "2b610cd7-0366-47a0-94c7-923dc0472bc5",
"account_number": "12345678910",
"routing_number": "102001017",
"account_holder_name": "John Doe",
"verification_status": "pending",
"estimated_verification_date": "2023-07-26T00:00:00Z",
"created_at": "2023-06-01T14:59:46.751044Z",
"updated_at": "2023-06-01T15:00:05.250318Z"
Fraud Controls
You will be blocked from making >5 verification requests to the same account within a 24 hour period.
Updated 16 days ago