
Orum’s Authentication API requires users to create a set of API Credentials to generate an auth token. Users can create and manage API Credentials directly within Monitor. See below for steps to obtain a set of API Credentials to generate your Auth token.

API Credentials

API Credentials are specified within the body of the Orum Auth API call. These credentials can be created and deleted within the “API Authentication” page. See the screenshots below for the full flow:

Creating new API Credentials

Naming your API credentials (must be unique)

Generating new API credentials


  • These credentials are NOT connected to your Monitor login and password. They are created and to be managed separately.
  • These credentials are NOT needed for any other API call — they are only used to generate an auth token.
  • There is a maximum of two API Credentials per Enterprise per environment.
  • Once you retrieve your client_secret store it in a secure location as you will not be able to retrieve it again. If you lose the original one or want to rotate your api credentials, you must generate a new set of credentials and delete the original one. Only delete the original one after you have changed all authentication to use the new secret as deleting a client will result in immediate failure of authentication requests with those credentials.

Obtaining an auth token

Use the credentials generated in the step above to request a token from the /oauth/token endpoint.