Account Status

In sandbox, all accounts that you attempt to verify will have a verification_status of “pending” in the POST response and will then move to a verification_status of “valid”, unless you are simulating a non-valid status.

To simulate non-valid verification_statuses, pass the status you want to simulate in the account_holder_name field along with all other required fields. You will receive a webhook when the account’s status updates from “pending” to the simulated status.

Only “closed” and “invalid” non-valid verifications statuses are supported in sandbox.

Account Control

Orum verifies Account Control by dropping a random code into the bank account and prompts the user in real-time to authenticate it – removing the lost time and expense of microdeposits. Once they locate the code on the transaction, there are two ways to confirm it:

  1. API-based solution: Send back the code via the Control endpoint

  2. Email-based solution: Orum triggers an automated email to the end user with instructions on how to verify the code via an Orum-hosted website

Our sandbox environment supports both methods of Control verification, and whether or not you provide an email address in the optional “email” field will dictate the method for testing (i.e. if you provide an email address, an email will be triggered and if you don’t, you can hit the Control endpoint once the code has been located).

Sandbox Environment for API-Based Control

  • To simulate a valid control response, pass “0000” in the statement_code field.

  • To simulate an invalid control response, pass any value other than “0000” in the statement_code field.

Sandbox Environment for Email-Based Control

When you test this end-to-end Control experience, we ask that you use a legitimate email address in the API request. The email address you provide will receive an email from with instructions on the next steps. Once you navigate to the Orum-hosted website, use “0000” to simulate a valid Control response and any other value to simulate an invalid Control response. You can then check the status of your Control verification by enabling webhooks, using our GET endpoints, or polling the API.

You must be configured for the Account Control endpoint. Reach out to for more details if you plan to incorporate control verification into your product.

Account Ownership via Name Match

Orum’s third tier of verification — Account Ownership via Name Match — determines for consumer accounts whether the first name and/or last name provided matches data tied to the bank account being verified.

For testing Account Ownership via Name Match in Sandbox, the following first_name and last_name values in the request will have the following results:

First NameLast NameResult
JohnSmithFull match
JackStoneNot a match
JohnStonePartial match (first name)
JackSmithPartial match (last name)
JaneJohnsonNot found