Person Reason Codes

Status reasons

If a person fails customer identification, Orum sends a person_rejected or person_restricted webhook. The person object in the webhook will have a status of "rejected" or "restricted" and a status_reasons array that explains why the person failed customer identification.

status_reasons consist of:

  • reason_code: a word-based code that describes the customer identification failure
  • reason_code_message: a friendly description of the reason code that can be surfaced directly to your end users

To reattempt customer identification, you can use the PATCH /persons endpoint to update any invalid or missing information.

status_reasons will also be present in the GET /persons and GET /persons/{id} API responses.

deceased_personUser is reported as deceased
incomplete_addressAddress submitted is missing some or all required elements
incomplete_dobDate of birth submitted is missing some or all required elements
incomplete_ssnSSN submitted is missing some or all required elements
ineligible_ageAge submitted is under 18 and not eligible for this product
invalid_address_typeAddress submitted is a non-supported address type
invalid_dobDate of birth is invalid
invalid_nameName is invalid
invalid_ssnSSN is invalid
matched_alertlistMatched a list of known fraudulent users
matched_watchlistMatched one or multiple sanctions lists

Example Webhook Payload

Deliver sends webhooks to notify you of changes to a person’s status.

{ "event_id": "0p0aw9a4-d9ab-49d1-97da-7253ea40wd09", "event_type": "person_rejected", "created_at": "2022-08-26T18:40:31.775Z", "event_data": { "person": { "id": "b4c780fd-cn90-427f-a12d-60d4709410d7", "customer_reference_id": "4m70-da8pv1-3md086", "first_name": "Jane", "last_name": "Tester", "date_of_birth": "2010-01-01", "status": "rejected", "status_reasons": [ { "reason_code": "invalid_address_type", "reason_code_message": "Address submitted is a non-supported address type" }, { "reason_code": "ineligible_age", "reason_code_message": "Age submitted is under 18 and not eligible for this product" } ], "addresses": [ { "id": "pw9ad970-637f-4e4a-b808-917efce373dn", "address1": "PO Box 100", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "country": "US", "zip5": "10001", "created_at": "2022-08-26T18:28:50.569975Z", "updated_at": "2022-08-26T18:28:50.569975Z" } ], "contacts": [ { "id": "pr8d8aa5-cdcf-4e31-82b4-c438e786e5w7", "value": "", "created_at": "2022-08-26T18:28:50.569975Z", "updated_at": "2022-08-26T18:28:50.569975Z" }, { "id": "c8479dd1-2d98-4967-a4f8-18d9e1e9a8bv", "value": "+15552346789", "created_at": "2022-08-26T18:28:50.569975Z", "updated_at": "2022-08-26T18:28:50.569975Z" } ], "created_at": "2022-08-26T18:28:50.569975Z", "updated_at": "2022-08-26T18:29:12.052262Z" } } }

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