Check your funding balance with Orum.
Checking Your Balance
With the GET /balance endpoint, you can query to find out your balance with Orum at any point during the business day, night, or weekend. This API supplements the existing reporting provided by Orum Payment Operations and Finance.
The API provides the current pending and available balance in integral cents for a customer.
Funds in the FBO that cannot yet be “spent” or transferred out of the balance
The Balance API returns the balance amounts in integral cents to be consistent with the Transfers API. Remember to convert to dollars ($XX.XX) before displaying to business stakeholders or your customers.
Use Cases
There are several benefits to utilizing the Balance API:
Ensure you have sufficient funds in your balance to accommodate expected daily volume and potential spikes
- You can check your balance periodically throughout a day, for example by linking this API to an internal dashboard
Query for the balance prior to every payout or disbursement to ensure enough funds are in the FBO to support the transfer request
Track the amount of funds stored in your balance so you don’t prefund more than you need to (you can pull or push funds into the FBO on a schedule once your balance hits a certain threshold)
Testing in Sandbox
When you onboard to our sandbox environment, Orum establishes a fake ledger that tracks your funds. In sandbox, customers can use the Balance API to test the impact of various types of transfers and transfer failures on their ledger balances.
Action | Impacted Balance Type | Impact to Balance Amount |
Initiate a credit transfer | Available | Decrease by transfer amount |
Initiate a debit transfer | Pending | Increase by transfer amount |
Debit settles | Pending, Available | Pending decreases by transfer amount / Available increases by transfer amount |
Debit fails (returns) | Available | Decreases by transfer amount |
Credit fails (returns or is rejected) | Available | Increases by transfer amount |
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