Resources in Deliver are Persons, Businesses, and Acccounts.


You can pass a field in the request body to attach additional information to resources You can also use the PATCH and/or PUT endpoints for each resource to update, add to, or remove metadata. Any existing metadata will be present on all API and webhook responses throughout Deliver.

Metadata can be useful in many ways. For example, you could store a customer’s username in metadata when creating that user as a Person. Deliver does not use metadata — it does not impact the status of any resource and adding, updating, or removing metadata will not result in a webhook event.

Metadata must be valid JSON. It can contain up to:

  • 5 key-value pairs

  • Key names up to 20 characters long

  • Values up to 50 characters long

Do not store any sensitive or personally identifiable information (PII) in metadata — such as bank account numbers).


On the Update Person example below (second tab), the request will:

  • Maintain the customer_id value

  • Remove the username field and value

  • Update the beta_access value

  • Add a new customer_number field with a value of 1098.

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Orum-Version: v2022-09-21' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "customer_reference_id": "7293mn67sl097da3f",
     "first_name": "Test",
     "last_name": "User",
     "metadata": {
     		"customer_id": "71np8dw5rd08an15",
        "username": "user123",
        "beta_access": true
     "date_of_birth": "1990-03-01",
     "social_security_number": "123-45-6789",
     "addresses": [
               "type": "home",
               "address1": "12 Test st",
               "city": "Testerton",
               "state": "NY",
               "country": "US",
               "zip5": "10001"

Deleting Resources

You can use the API to delete persons, businesses, accounts, and cards.

Once deleted, the resource will transition to a closed status, at which point Orum will maintain the record and you will be able to access the resource’s history.

  • Deleted resources will still appear in GET responses

  • Deleted resources cannot be re-opened

  • Reference IDs from deleted resources cannot be reused for new resources

Notes About Deleting Cards

  • If a card is deleted, it will not count towards the maximum number of cards that are allowed to be associated with a given person or business

  • If a card is deleted, it will be deleted from Orum’s vault

  • Deleted cards cannot be reopened and in the event that this is needed, they would need to be recreated as a new card on the platform


If a deletion is successful, you will receive a 200 response from the API.

   "external_account": {
       "account_holder_name": "Lemon Liz",
       "account_number": "9876543210",
       "account_reference_id": "071357c0-a82a-45fb-a618-5c1c9b6371d9",
       "account_type": "checking",
       "closed_at": "2025-01-16T17:14:32.421294Z",
       "created_at": "2023-03-23T17:32:32.913478Z",
       "customer_reference_id": "bc5270c7-d209-4fc5-b201-708d04534893",
       "customer_resource_type": "business",
       "id": "5aa8f8ae-2690-4bc2-8544-ba7aa45652b2",
       "routing_number": "987654321",
       "status": "closed",
       "updated_at": "2025-01-16T17:14:32.421294Z"

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