The goal of Verify’s Debit Block feature is to inform you when there is an account that cannot be debited, so you can inform your end user that an action is required in order to make the account debitable

How Debit Block Works

In order to use this endpoint, it is required that you have previously called the Account Status endpoint at some point in the past. Upon calling the debit block endpoint, Orum will debit 1 penny and credit 1 penny to the specified account.

If the debit is successful and a return hasn’t occurred within 2 business days of the Effective Entry Date, Orum will respond by notifying you that there is not a debit block on the account.

In the event that there is a debit block, and the account cannot be debited, you will be notified via webhook that there is a debit block on the account.

In the event that there is a return for a reason other than a debit block, Orum will notify you as well.

To check for a debit block, you must first hit the Account Status endpoint. Once you have an Orum generated unique ID for the verified account from the Account Status API response, you can call the Debit Status endpoint to determine if there is a debit block on the account.


When checking for debit blocks, you may receive the following debit statuses:

Verification StatusDescription
pendingAcknowledgment of the request being received
validThere is not a debit block on the account nor has the transfer failed for any other reason
blockedThere is a debit block on the account
failedThere is not a debit block on the account, but the transfer failed for a different reason

“pending” and “valid” are intermediary statuses. If a return occurs after two business days, it is possible that a debit status will cycle from “valid” to “blocked” or “failed”, for up to 60 days.


curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Orum-Version: v2022-09-21' \
--header 'Authorization: ••••••' 

Fraud Controls

Requests to the Debit Block API for an account will be rejected if there is already a “pending” verification in progress for that account. You can only make requests after an in progress verification has reached “Verified” or “Failed” status.

You will be blocked from making >5 verification requests to the same account within a 24 hour period.