Orum uses HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of your API requests. If an API request fails due to an issue with authentication, authorization, or request validation, Deliver will synchronously return an HTTP status code, error code, and message.

Some errors cannot be caught synchronously at the time of the API request. The below errors will be sent via webhooks in the status_reasons object:

  • Errors that stem from payment processors: Payment rejections and returns. See transfer status reasons for more information.

  • Verification errors: Failure to verify a Person. See person status reasons for more information.

Error Schema

Synchronous errors contain an error_code and a message.

  "error_code": "missing_first_name",
  "message": "First name is required. Accepted values are letters, spaces, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, and diacritics."

Error Code Descriptions