Instant Rail Eligibility
Understand if a bank account is RTP or FedNow eligible.
There are two way to determine if a bank account is RTP or FedNow eligible:
Using a POST request, you can determine whether one or more routing numbers (up to 1,000 per API request) are eligible to receive instant RTP or FedNow payments
Using a GET request, you can collect the entire list of RTP and FedNow eligible routing numbers in one API call
Using the Instant Rail Eligibility Endpoint
Knowing whether your customers are RTP/FedNow eligible allows you to tailor their payment experiences in your web or mobile application. This endpoint can be called at any point in your user flow, such as when a user onboards or when they withdraw money from your platform. You can also store the information received in the response.
When a user begins a withdrawal, disbursement, or payout process, call the Instant Rail Eligibility endpoint to determine if that user’s bank account is eligible for instant payouts. If the routing number is eligible, you can consider offering an “instant withdrawal” option.
Additionally, if you have a list of routing numbers representative of your user base, you can call the API to help gauge what percentage of users are eligible for one of the instant rails.
Orum keeps track of which routing numbers are eligible for RTP and FedNow, so you do not have to maintain an eligibility list on your end.
Sandbox Testing
For both the POST and GET requests, the responses that you receive in sandbox will be accurate representations of production responses.The endpoint can be called at any point during your user journey, as it is not dependent on creating an account, person, or business.
In sandbox, when you are testing the POST request, we recommend testing with these routing numbers to mimic the potential responses that you might receive in production:
Expected Eligibility Response | Sample Routing Numbers |
true | 011000138 011000206 011000390 011001234 011001331 |
false | 555555555 345345345 121212121 876543291 012345678 |
For the POST request, the following errors are possible:
Error | API Response |
At least one routing number was not 9 digits (either too few or too many) | 400 invalid_body: routingNumbers: the length must be exactly 9 |
Number of routing numbers exceeded the limit of 1,000 RTNs per request | 400 invalid_body: routingNumbers: the length must be between 1 and 1000 |
At least one routing number contained invalid characters (e.g. letters, punctuation) | Response on specific routing number will return as “false” |