Update a business by id

Update a business object by id.


This endpoint replaces the entire business resource. You must pass all fields.

If you want to update an individual field or fields on a business, use the PATCH endpoint.

Removing fields

To remove a field from the resource, pass the field with an empty string as the value. Only the following fields can be removed from the business resource:

  • business_name
  • entity_type
  • account_holder_name
  • incorporation_date
  • address2

Impact on KYB status

Changing the below fields will re-trigger the KYB process. You will receive a business_unverified webhook and the business's status will be set to "created" until re-verification is complete.

  • legal_name
  • tax_id
  • address1
  • city
  • state
  • country
  • zip5
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