We have updated Momentum’s synchronous error codes and messages to be actionable and detailed, allowing you to easily self-serve any issues you encounter.

The structure of the errors has not changed, meaning there is no need to change how you currently handle Momentum errors.

  "error_code": "missing_first_name",
  "message": "First name is required. Accepted values are letters, spaces, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, and diacritics."

Check out the new Errors guide to see an exhaustive list of all the errors!

For endpoints that list all items in a resource collection, you can optionally paginate the response using two request parameters:

  • size: the maximum number of items to return. Accepts integers from 0 to 500. Defaults to 100.
  • index: the starting point within the list of items. Accepts integers 0 and greater. Defaults to 0.

API responses are returned in reverse chronological order, meaning the newest items will appear at the top of the response.

If no pagination parameters are supplied, Momentum will default to returning the most recently created 100 items.

Request examples

The below request has a size of 10 and an index of 0, meaning the API would return transfers 1-10.


To return the next 10 transfers, make a request with a size of 10 and an index of 1. This would return transfers 11-20.


All of this information can also be found in our pagination guide!

Announcing v2022-09-21 of Momentum!

Enhancements to the API

  • A more intuitive transfers API request - simply tell us where you want the money pulled from by populating source and where you want the money sent by populating destination. Learn more.

  • Clearer reference_id fields. The field has been updated to be more specific and align with resource types:

    • customer_reference_id for persons or businesses.
    • transfer_reference_id for transfers.
    • account_reference_id for external accounts.
  • Special characters in names – Orum now allows special characters for all fields that end in _name on Person, Business and External Account resources.

  • Transfer status reasons – A new status_reason object in transfers webhooks provides context behind a transfer’s failure, allowing you to triage any failed transfers independently and quickly. Learn more.

  • Person status reasons – A new status_reason object in persons webhooks provides information on why a person failed verification checks, giving you the ability to update missing/incorrect information and re-verify the person. Learn more

  • Estimated funds delivery date – A new estimated_funds_delivery_date field in transfers webhooks provides the date that Orum anticipates funds to be delivered to the destination account, allowing you to create an informed end-user experience. Learn more.