
Support for Metadata

The Momentum API now supports passing metadata on API requests!

For all resources, you can now pass a metadata field in the request body to attach additional information to the Momentum resource. You can also use the PATCH and/or PUT endpoints for each resource to update, add to or remove the metadata. Any existing metadata will be present on all API and webhook responses throughout Momentum.

Note: For transfers, there is a new PATCH endpoint that can be used to update metadata on a transfer.

Metadata can be useful in many ways! For example, you could store a customer's username in metadata when creating that user as a Person in Momentum. Metadata is not used by Momentum -- it does not impact the status of any resource and adding, updating or removing metadata will not result in a webhook event.

Metadata must be valid JSON and can contain up to 5 key-value pairs with key names up to 20 characters long and values up to 50 characters long. Do not store any sensitive or personally-identifiable information (ex: bank account numbers) in metadata.

Sample request to create a person with metadata

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Orum-Version: v2022-09-21' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "customer_reference_id": "7293mn67sl097da3f",
     "first_name": "Test",
     "last_name": "User",
     "metadata": {
     		"customer_id": "71np8dw5rd08an15",
        "username": "user123",
        "beta_access": true
     "date_of_birth": "1990-03-01",
     "social_security_number": "123-45-6789",
     "addresses": [
               "type": "home",
               "address1": "12 Test st",
               "city": "Testerton",
               "state": "NY",
               "country": "US",
               "zip5": "10001"

Sample request to update the metadata on a person

The below request will maintain the customer_id value, remove the username field and value, update the beta_access value, and add a new customer_number field with a value of 1098.

curl --request PATCH \
     --url \
     --header 'Orum-Version: v2022-09-21' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "customer_reference_id": "7293mn67sl097da3f",
     "first_name": "Test",
     "last_name": "User",
     "metadata": {
     		"customer_id": "71np8dw5rd08an15",
        "beta_access": false,
        "customer_number": 1098
     "date_of_birth": "1990-03-01",
     "social_security_number": "123-45-6789",
     "addresses": [
               "type": "home",
               "address1": "12 Test st",
               "city": "Testerton",
               "state": "NY",
               "country": "US",
               "zip5": "10001"